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Welcome to my vegetarian Christmas, a blithe barbecue so adorable it will accomplish you balloon about the turkey, although ‘flexitarians’ will additionally be captivated because abounding of these dishes can be served with meat and fish. They are recipes that address to everybody – vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

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There are a few showstoppers to serve at the table so that your ancestors and accompany can advice themselves and share. There’s my adorable Artichoke Bouillon Barigoule, a adaptation of a Provençal archetypal fabricated acclaimed by the late, brilliant, French chef Roger Vergé. 

If you’re afterwards article eye-catching, there’s my Buttered Sprouts & Chestnuts, an acclaimed pick-your-own extravaganza.

Marco Pierre White (pictured) aggregate a addition of adorable meat-free recipes for barbecue this blithe season

For a affable addition buzz see my Aubergine Parmigiana – artfully complete layers of aubergine fritters and mozzarella – or my Broiled Cauliflower Cheese, which brings added than a little aberration to the classic. And for authentic abundance food, why not activity up my Attic Risotto.

If it’s tantalising trimmings you’re after, try Pommes Boulangère for an addition to buzz potatoes, or my august Beetroots. For Boxing Day, you can allow your guests with a basin of my ‘Meaty Pappardelle’ with mushrooms – it’s meat-free of course.

For a amazing accomplishment there’s my babe Mirabelle’s 18-Carrot Gold Applique House. It’s a acute masterpiece and for me – the appreciative ancestor – it’s the icing on the (vegetarian) cake.

Merry Christmas, Adulation MPW x


This is a basin of authentic indulgence. Asparagus spears are served with a ablaze truffle mayonnaise and a drop of chopped aloft egg. As for the frequently asked question, whether to bark or not to bark the asparagus, in my restaurants we consistently peel, but at home, to be frank, I don’t bother.

Serves 8-10

Cook the asparagus in a ample pan – if castigation is too baby it will booty a while for the baptize to appear aback to the abscess already the spears accept gone in, so they’ll lose their freshness.


In a bowl, agilely barrel the egg yolk with the Dijon mustard, white wine alkali and 1 dessertspoon of baptize to actualize an emulsion. Angle the basin and, while continuing to whisk, cascade in the oil in a slow, abiding crawl on the ancillary of the bowl. Barrel in a compression of alkali and addition of white pepper. Add the chopped truffle, activity and analysis the seasoning. Refrigerate until required.

Remove the coarse allotment at the abject of anniversary asparagus added like this: with the brand of a knife, tap the spear, affective from its abject upwards, until there is no attrition and the brand cuts abundantly through the breakable allotment of the spear. Abandon the coarse bits.

Bring a ample bucket of absolute baptize to the boil. Add the spears and baker on a accelerated abscess for 3 minutes. Cesspool in a analyze and alteration to a basin of algid baptize to stop them cooking. Already the spears accept cooled, and aback you are about accessible to serve, abode them on a apple-pie tea anhydrate or kitchen agenda and dab dry.

Lay the asparagus spears on a platter. Dribble with olive oil and division with alkali and white pepper. Beanery over the mayonnaise, and be acceptable with it – life’s too abbreviate for baby portions. Add the cautiously burst aloft egg and the parsley, and serve.


Serves 6

Risotto should be al dente, so that as you eat you can about faculty anniversary atom of rice. Don’t accept the pan too hot – if the rice cooks too fast your risotto will be dry.


Slice the attic in half. Abolish the seeds and fibrous threads. Fry the seeds in a little olive oil for a few minutes. Allow to cool, afresh abolish the seeds from the kernels. Set the seeds abreast and abandon the kernels. 

Blend the fibrous accoutrement to a purée. Bark the attic and chop the beef into 2cm (¾in) chunks. Calefaction a burst of olive oil in a ample saucepan, add bisected the onions and diaphoresis over a low-medium calefaction until softened. 

Add the attic flesh, access the calefaction to medium, and baker for about 20 minutes, active occasionally to stop the pan baking and abacus added oil if needed, until tender. Set aside.

Heat 1tbsp oil in a ample bucket over a average heat. Add the blow of the onion and all the garlic and diaphoresis for a few minutes, until softened. Add the rice and activity well, alive the onion and garlic through the rice. Cascade in the wine and baker until it has reduced. Cascade in one-quarter of the stock.

When it starts to boil, stir, and aback it comes aback to the boil, activity again. Abide like this, active aback the risotto comes to the boil. The rice becomes beefy as it drinks the stock, and releases its starch.

Keep abacus stock, a few ladles at a time. Aftertaste a atom of rice every now and afresh – if it tastes chalky, abide to baker until the chalkiness is gone.

Add the attic and puréed attic accoutrement to the rice. Activity and division to aftertaste with alkali and white pepper. Abolish the pan from the heat, and awning the top with knobs of adulate and grated Parmesan-style cheese. 

Leave for a brace of minutes, afresh activity to assignment in the adulate and cheese. Scatter with the attic seeds, ashamed Amaretti and parsley and dribble with olive oil. Serve immediately.

A brace of my dishes use the sous-vide method, a action of sealing aliment in an closed container, usually a vacuum-sealed bag, and afresh affable it in a baptize ablution to ensure alike after-effects with acute flavour, as the aliment cooks in its own juices. 

Sous-vide machines are no best just for able kitchens and are acceptable added affordable, from about £100. However, there are two alternatives that accomplish a agnate result: 1A roasting/poaching bag you can buy online.

Simply abode the capacity in the bag, circuit the bag to booty the air out and actualize a vacuum, and tie afore poaching. I’ve acclimated this address in some of the recipes over the afterward pages. 2A absolute of clingfilm. Lay a ample area of clingfilm on a lath and bend it in half; echo with two added bedding of clingfilm, laying these on top of the aboriginal bankrupt sheet.

Place the ingredient, eg celeriac, in the centre of the clingfilm and lift the corners so they accommodated aloft it. Clasp the air out and circuit the clingfilm, afresh tie it afore poaching.



Serves 4 as a capital course, or 6 as a ancillary or starter

Bring a ample bucket of absolute baptize to the boil, add the beetroots and baker for about 20 minutes. To see if they are done, admit a baby knife into a beetroot – it should accept aloof a little resistance. Drain, scrape abroad the banknote and bisect anniversary beetroot.

Heat 2tbsp olive oil in a ample sauté pan over a average heat. Lay the beetroot behindhand in the pan and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the figs and baker for 2-3 minutes, casting in the dates in the aftermost minute aloof to balmy them through.

Meanwhile, abode the anchorage in a pan over a medium-high calefaction and baker until bargain to a blubbery syrup. Abolish the pan from the calefaction and barrel in the 1tbsp of olive oil.

Arrange the beetroots, figs and dates on a platter. Scatter with the cheese and walnuts, season, afresh cascade the anchorage abridgement over and baptize with parsley to serve.


This much-loved basin makes a absolute vegetarian capital course. My adaptation is to acclaim appropriate the cauliflower first, afresh broil it with absurd onions for acidity and texture.

Serves 4

For the Béchamel sauce

A acceptable vegetarian Cheddar or Emmental cheese works able-bodied in this dish, or you can try a vegetarian white Stilton, such as Long Clawson. Whatever apparel your aftertaste buds!


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Bring a ample bucket of baptize to a affable simmer. Abolish and abandon the cauliflower’s leaves and coarse base, afresh rub all over with the cut ancillary of the lemon. Abode in a poaching bag (see my sous-vide tips, folio 41).

Add a compression of salt, allowance the bag and appropriate for about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, calefaction the oil in a frying pan and sauté the onions until agilely aureate and crispy. Cesspool on kitchen paper, division with alkali and set aside. Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan 140°C/gas 3. Abolish the poaching bag and leave the cauliflower to cool.

Then allotment it angular to actualize four or bristles ‘steaks’, befitting the adjustment as you slice. Abode the ‘base’ steak on a lath and division with salt. Add grated cheese and afresh a dosage of onions. Abode addition steak on top and echo the action with anniversary band until you accept ‘reconstructed’ the cauliflower.

Brush the top and abandon with egg and defended with cocktail sticks. Abode any antithesis absurd onions and cheese in an ovenproof basin and put the cauliflower on top. Beanery the broiled adulate over and buzz for 25-30 minutes, until golden.

To accomplish the Béchamel sauce, baker the adulate in a pan over a average heat. Add the abrade and activity for a few minutes. Cascade in the milk, a little at a time, whisking to combine. Add absurd to taste. Cascade in the cream, add the bay, and division with sea alkali and white pepper. Cook, active with a whisk, for 10 account until the booze is smooth, afresh aftertaste to analysis that the abrade has adapted out.

Bring the cauliflower to the table and cascade the hot Béchamel booze over the top. Add an added compression of alkali – in life, consistently division adamantine – and serve.


This basin is a Provençal classic, fabricated acclaimed by that abundant French chef, the backward Roger Vergé. Hollywood stars visiting the Cannes Film Festival consistently activate time for a meal at his three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Moulin de Mougins, area Artichokes Barigoule was generally on the menu.

Serves 6

In a aliment processor, alloy the basil leaves with the olive oil and butter. Set aside. Bark the artichokes, so you are larboard with the affection of the artichoke and the stem. Abolish the coarse abject of anniversary heart, or ‘choke’, so that you are larboard with the axis and top bisected of the heart. To anticipate discolouration, accumulate the artichokes in a basin of algid baptize with auto juice. I allocution you through this in my BBC Maestro beforehand (see folio 50).

Heat a little olive oil in a ample flameproof goulash set over a average heat. Add the carrots, onions, garlic, bay leaves and thyme, and diaphoresis them down, active occasionally to anticipate scorching. 

Add the artichokes to the pan, afresh cascade in the wine and baker until it has reduced, to abolish the wine’s acidity and accompany out its sweetness. Aback you can no best aroma the acidity of the wine, it’s time to add the stock, so cascade in the banal and add a brace of pinches of salt. 

When the stock comes aback to the boil, abate the calefaction to a simmer and awning with a ball (see end of my Amazon Booze recipe, far right). Simmer for 20 minutes.

To analysis if the artichokes are cooked, admit the tip of a knife – there should be no resistance. Add the basil adulate you fabricated beforehand to the bouillon and agitate the pan so that the adulate melts and emulsifies. Division with a acceptable compression of sea alkali and added thyme. Accompany the goulash basin beeline to the table or alteration to a ample platter, if you prefer.


At this time of year, it’s nice to accept a aftertaste of the south of France. These baby courgettes, blimp and baked, will booty you there. If application passata, you should add to the bushing 2 garlic cloves, peeled, ashamed and chopped to a purée.

Serves 6 as a starter

Peel the aubergine, coarsely chop the beef and abode it in a microwave-proof bowl. Add a clasp of auto abstract and a brace of pinches of salt. Deeply blanket in microwaveproof clingfilm. Microwave for 8 minutes, afresh leave the aubergine in the captivated basin for at atomic 20 account to cool. Cautiously chop the cooled flesh; aftertaste and add added auto abstract and condiment if needed. Return it to the basin and set aside.

Preheat the oven to 220°C/fan 200°C/ gas 7. Allotment the abject from the courgette behindhand so they can angle cocked on a baking tray. Use a teaspoon to abolish the seeds and leave a alveolate for the filling. 

To the bowl of aubergine, add the amazon booze (or passata with garlic, see intro, left) and basil. Mix well, aftertaste and acclimatize with auto juice, olive oil and salt.

Stand the courgette behindhand cocked on a baking tray and beanery the bushing into the hollows – run a feel about the edges to abolish antithesis filling. Scatter the chopped olives over the bushing and baptize with the grated cheese. Broil for 20 account and serve, busy with parsley.


This affable basin is one of the aboriginal I learnt as an amateur chef at the Hotel St George in Harrogate. It’s a aggregate of cautiously burst potatoes, caramelised onions and butter, which adds the affluence we accessory with acceptable abundance food.

Serves 6

First, caramelise the onions. Baker the antiseptic adulate or ghee in a ample goulash dish. Add the onions, division with sea alkali and activity as they caramelise. Spread them beyond the abject of the pan so they baker analogously and quickly. Alteration to a plate, afresh angle to cesspool the antithesis adulate into a abstracted bowl. Set both aside.

Peel the potatoes and then, with a aciculate knife or mandolin, agilely allotment the potatoes and lay on a apple-pie tea towel. Don’t ablution the slices – their starch is the ‘cement’ of this dish, captivation it together. Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan 140°C/gas 3.

Butter a goulash basin and cascade in a little of the vegetable stock. Line the abject of the goulash with the potato slices overlapping, like angle scales. Division with salt, afresh add a additional layer, blame acclaim bottomward on the potatoes to bunched them.

Add a band of onions, overextension them evenly, afresh beanery over a little stock. Echo the layering, abacus one band of onions for every 2 layers of potatoes. Cascade in a little banal as you go. Accomplishment with a band of potatoes, afresh besom all over with the drained-off antithesis butter.

Season agilely and cascade the actual banal over the top and adornment with the herbs. Awning with a area of agilely buttered kitchen foil. Broil for about 1 hour 10 minutes, removing the antithesis for the final 15 account to amber the top. Glaze the top with broiled adulate and division with sea salt. Loosely awning with foil, and leave to blow for 20 account afore serving.


It’s account beforehand time to accomplish your own amazon sauce. It can be stored in batches in the fridge for 4 canicule or arctic in accoutrements accessible to add to added dishes, such as my Aubergine Parmigiana Admiration (page 49) or Blimp Courgettes (below left) to accomplish affable quicker and easier.

Makes about 2 litres

Preheat the oven to 150°C/fan 130°C/gas 2. Calefaction the oil in a lidded ovenproof pan or goulash over a average heat. Add the onion and garlic and baker until softened. Add the thyme and bay blade and stir. Add the blooming tomatoes and baker until they activate to breach down, abacus a little added olive oil if necessary.

Let the tomatoes arid absolution their liquid, afresh access the heat. Taste, taste, taste. Notice how the acidity of the tomatoes arid evaporates as their accustomed acidity takes over. 

When you’re blessed with the acidity of the sauce, add the tinned tomatoes, activity and accompany to a affable boil. Awning with a ball of baking block (see admonition below). 

Then blanket the lid of the bucket in kitchen antithesis and abode the captivated lid on top of the pan. This way, what happens in the pan stays in the pan. Alteration to the preheated oven and baker for 1 hour.

Carefully canyon the amazon booze through a strainer into a jug, application the aback of a bail to beforehand the aqueous through and auctioning the dry crust larboard behind. Division to taste. Use anon or abundance as required.


Take a aboveboard of greaseproof agenda the admeasurement of your pan. Bend in bisected into a triangle, afresh bend in the aforementioned way three added times to get a attenuated triangle. Snip off the point and trim the end so you accept a amphitheater that fits central your pan.


‘Carrot block is one of my favourite bakes and sits altogether with my dad’s vegetarian feast,’ says Marco’s babe Mirabelle. ‘To drag it to “18-carrot gold” admiration cachet – not that I’m aggressive with my dad – I’ve added touches of gold leaf. The block is a sandwich of two layers, with a buttercream bushing and frosting. I accept acclimated two 20cm springform block tins, but you can add added tiers.

Serves 12

For the sponges

If you appetite to add ‘glass’ windows to your creation, use vegetarian blade gelatine sheets, ashore assimilate the aback of the broiled and cooled applique with aristocratic icing.


For the buttercream filling

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For the frosting

Preheat the oven to 170°C/fan 150°C /gas 3½. In a ample bowl, analyze the flour, biscuit and nutmeg, cloves, allspice and  baking soda. Put to one side. In a abstracted bowl, exhausted the sugar, oil, eggs and boilerplate extract. Mix the wet capacity with the dry, afresh bend in the carrots, ashamed pineapple, apricots and, if using, the chopped pecans.

Butter the edges of 2 x 20cm annular tins and dust the edges with flour. Line the bases with baking parchment. Divide the block admixture amid the tins, and broil on the average shelf of the oven for 40 minutes. Test by inserting a skewer into the average of anniversary blot – if it comes out clean, they’re ready.

Leave the sponges until air-conditioned to the touch, afresh abolish from the tins and abode on a arbor to air-conditioned completely. Afore icing, akin both with a aliment knife so they’re collapsed on top and accessible to sandwich together.

To accomplish the buttercream bushing for amid the layers, exhausted the sifted amoroso with the adulate until smooth. To accomplish the frosting for the alfresco of the cake, in a ample basin mix the chrism cheese, adulate and icing amoroso until able-bodied incorporated, afresh barrel in a aliment processor for about 5 minutes. Chill for at atomic 1  hour to set. 

To assemble, spread the buttercream bushing on one blot and lay the added blot on top to actualize a sandwich. Use added buttercream bushing to covering the absolute block with a attenuate band to adhere all the crumbs. Chill the block for 30 account to set, afresh awning the abandon and top with a band of the algid chrism cheese frosting.


You can leave your allotment block deliciously simple or actualize a blithe applique house, as Mirabelle has done with her three-tiered cake.

 For the gingerbread


 For the decoration



For a three-tier cake, bifold the blot abundance and access the bushing and frosting by 1.5. For the additional bank use a 15cm tin, and a 10cm tin for the third. Use block boards and dowels to layer.


Make your arrangement out of card, with a architecture of your own or from the internet. The 16 houses were at atomic 10cm wide, with beyond ones on the basal tier. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4. 

Sift the dry capacity into a bowl. In a pan and over a low-medium calefaction baker the sugar, abstract and adulate until incorporated. Cascade the hot capacity into the dry and mix, afresh mix in the egg.

Roll out the chef assimilate baking agenda to a array of a £1 coin, and cut out your shapes, additionally acid out window and aperture holes. Accelerate assimilate baking trays lined with parchment, broil for 15 account or until golden, afresh leave to air-conditioned on the trays.

Warm the aristocratic icing a little by agreement the pot in a basin of hot water, afresh cascade into the brim bag. Pipe decorations as you like. If you are application bogie lights, anxiously blanket them about the tiers afore agreement the houses about the cake, acute acclaim assimilate the frosting. Decorate with gold blade and comestible beam as desired.


This has a affably blithe flavour. It makes affluence of the Armagnac-soaked prunes so you can bisect the compound for those if you ambition – but any assortment would be aces as a topping for rice pudding!

Makes 6

For the Armagnac prunes

To accomplish the prunes (do this at atomic a day ahead), put them in a heatproof, closed container. In a pan, accompany the amoroso and Armagnac to the boil, afresh cascade over the prunes. 

Cool slightly, allowance the container and accumulate in a air-conditioned abode until needed. To accomplish the cocktail, abode one of the blood-soaked prunes in anniversary of six glasses. Add 1tsp of the clip abstract to anniversary bottle and top up with Champagne.


Mostarda di frutta mista (also accepted as mostarda di Cremona) is fruits such as peaches and pears preserved in a abstract that has a alacrity tang. This is adorable with cheese – or ham, for meat-eaters.

Serves 4-6

Bring a ample pan of baptize to a affable simmer. Bark the pears, and abolish the abject from anniversary pear but leave the stem. Rub with auto abstract (this will anticipate discolouration) and abode them in a poaching bag (see my sous-vide tips on folio 41). Add a clasp of auto and 3 pinches of amoroso – to accentuate the pears’ acidity – afresh allowance the bag.

Rub the endives with the auto and abode in a poaching bag. Add a acceptable compression of salt, amoroso and a clasp of auto to antithesis the accustomed acerbity of the endives. 

Place both closed accoutrements in the baptize and appropriate for 40-45 account – aback acclaim awkward they should accept a slight indentation.

Once poached, abolish the endives and pears from the bag. The endive juices can be alone but assets the flavoured pear juice. Dip your fingers in olive oil and afresh adapt the endive, applying a little pressure.

Over a low-medium heat, baker the antiseptic adulate in a pan. Lay the pears in the pan, and baker for 2-3 account to caramelise. Add the endives and abide to baker them to acclaim caramelise, axis as necessary. 

Brush them with mostarda abstract and beanery over the cautiously chopped fruit. Dribble with extra-virgin olive oil and the actual pear juice, and division with salt.


When done properly, this is one of the abundant British desserts and is a absolute addition to Christmas pudding.

Serves 8-12

For the toffee sauce

Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan 140°C/gas 3. Abode the dates and baptize into a pan and accompany to boil. Abolish from the calefaction and cool. Alloy the above dates to a purée. Sieve the abrade and baking crumb together. Put the adulate in a bond basin and, application a lath spoon, exhausted until softened, afresh exhausted in the demerara sugar.

Mix in the eggs one at a time, abacus the abrade a bit at a time as you go. Add the cooled date purée and the chopped dates and stir. Adulate a traybake tin and cascade the admixture into it. Broil for about 25-30 account – if the apparent ripples aback you tap it, it needs addition 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, accomplish the toffee sauce. Baker the adulate in a pan. Add the demerara sugar, activity and baker on a low average calefaction until bland and the amoroso has dissolved. Cascade in the cream, activity and abide to cook, afresh activity in the auto juice.

To serve, cut the blot into squares, cascade the caramel booze over and serve with some boilerplate ice-cream, chrism or custard.


When I was creating these recipes, I was told, ‘Marco, I apperceive some bodies anticipate they’re boring, but we charge to accommodate a sprout dish.’ This is my response. A accomplished annex of sprouts, with chestnuts attached. Arid it isn’t! You’ll charge about 30 cocktail sticks.

Serves at atomic 8

You may charge to cut the annex in two, to fit your pan and oven. The sprouts can be abashed and brindled with chestnuts able-bodied in advance, and afresh broiled afore serving.

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Bring to the abscess a ample bucket – your largest! – of water, acclimatized with salt. Meanwhile tie cord about the end of the sprout branch. Put the sprout annex in the baking water, so that the cord hangs over the bend of the pan.

Cook the sprouts for 12-15 minutes, depending on their size, until tender. Use the cord to lift the annex from the pan, and leave the sprouts to cool. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4. 

Put on some music and booty about 30 cocktail sticks. Beforehand one end of anniversary stick into the chestnuts and the added end of the sticks into the sprouts – now the chestnuts are absorbed to the sprouts.

Melt the antiseptic adulate and besom it over the chestnuts and sprouts. Abode in a baking tin and buzz for 5-10 minutes.

Serve on a lath on the table (or prop it up as we’ve done in the photo), so that anybody can advice themselves – it’s pick-your-own with a difference!   


Everyone who tries this basin loves the compact texture, with adorable baron ability augment slices instead of pasta. It’s the absolute Christmas Eve supper.

Serves 4

For the augment ‘pappardelle’

For the ragù

To serve

Begin with the ragù. Calefaction the olive oil in a saucepan. Add the diced mushrooms and division with salt. Sauté them until the damp agreeable is artifice from the mushrooms – as they dry, the flavour is intensified. Accompany to the bend of the pan and division with paprika and chilli flakes, if using. Activity in the amazon booze and baker for a few minutes. Division to taste.

In a ample pan, calefaction 2tbsp olive oil over a average heat. Add the 500g mushrooms and sauté until hardly golden, axis occasionally. 

Depending on the admeasurement of your pan, you ability charge to baker in batches, abacus added oil if necessary. Alteration the burst mushrooms to the ragù. Dribble with a burst of oil and bung to combine. Baptize with the grated cheese and parsley, and serve.


Here’s my booty on Aubergine Parmigiana – a able anniversary of the vegetable with layers of aubergine fritters, mozzarella and amazon sauce. The art is in the architecture and I like to use the annular Viola aubergine. If you don’t adorned activity the accomplished way, you can aloof accomplish the fritters, which are admirable appetisers to serve with drinks, with Sinatra crooning in the background. 

Serves 4

Finely allotment the aubergine, about 5mm (¼in) thick, but allotment the abject and top about 1cm (½in) thick. Accumulate the slices in order, so that it will be accessible to reconstruct the aubergine shape. Rub the cut edges of the auto over the aubergine slices.

Put the abrade in one bowl. Able the eggs into addition bowl, and agilely barrel with a fork. Dip the aubergine slices in the flour, and afresh into the baffled egg. Calefaction a little olive oil in a sauté pan and baker the aubergine in batches for about 5 account on anniversary ancillary until golden, abacus added oil if necessary. 

Place the adapted aubergine slices on kitchen paper, top anniversary with a allotment of mozzarella and leave the cheese to melt. Remember to accumulate the slices in adjustment so the about-face is easy.

Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan 140°C/gas 3. Abode the ‘base’ blow on a baking tray and beanery a little amazon booze on top of it. Add a basil leaf, and agilely division with salt. Abode the abutting blow on top. 

Repeat the process: fritter, amazon sauce, basil leaf, salt… until the aubergine is reconstructed. Afore abacus the aubergine top, cascade over a few tablespoons of amazon sauce, so that it cascades bottomward the sides.

Add the aubergine top and if all-important beforehand a lath skewer through the accomplished creation, from top to base, to authority the layers in place. Broil for 25-30 minutes.

Allow the aubergine to air-conditioned a little afore removing the skewer. Serve in behemothic rings, drizzled with olive oil and brindled with sea alkali and the grated cheese and parsley.


We tend to anticipate of tarte tatin as a candied ambrosia with pear and apple, but this adaptation is fabricated application the vegetable endive, additionally accepted as chicory. It makes a amazing ablaze capital beforehand and the goat’s cheese is aloof delicious.

Serves 6 as a capital course, or 8-10 as a starter

I’ve acclimated a ample 30cm ovenproof pan for my endive tart, but if your pan is a abate size, artlessly acclimatize the blow of the capacity accordingly.


Roll out the breath pastry and trim to a disc about the aforementioned admeasurement as an ovenproof pan of about 30cm diameter. Chill the pastry disc until bare – you can do this footfall several hours ahead, if you like. 

Preheat the oven to 220°C/fan 200°C/gas 7. Add the adulate cubes to the pan. Baptize with the amoroso and align the endive behindhand central so that they fit snugly. Division with salt.

Place the algid pastry disc on top and, application a dessertspoon, constrict it deeply beneath the endives (you should be able to see the abject of the pan about the pastry edges). Application a fork, bore the pastry all over – this will advice the beef to escape during affable and will caramelise the endives. 

Now place the pan on the hob over a mediumhigh calefaction and baker for about 10 minutes; you should see caramelisation about the pastry edges. At this point, alteration the pan to the average shelf of the hot oven and broil for 20-25 minutes.

Once out of the oven, angle the pan and beanery out some of the butter. Abode a lath or ample basin on top of the pan and bound alter the acerb so the adorable endives are on top. Crumble the goat’s cheese over and dribble with the aloof adulate or some olive oil. Scatter with some parsley and a acceptable compression of sea salt.


An omelette is so simple. From aloof a few capacity of eggs, potatoes and onions, you’ll accept a Boxing Day ancestors feast.

Serves 12

Cut the potatoes lengthways into quarters. Cut anniversary division angular into baby pieces, about 5mm (¼in) thick. Abode in a basin of algid baptize to abolish the starch. Pat dry with kitchen paper. Deep-fry in vegetable oil for 10 minutes, until hardly coloured and adapted through.

Crack 10 eggs into a bowl, division them abundantly with alkali and white pepper and whisk. Cesspool the potatoes and, while they’re still hot, add to the baffled eggs. Fry the burst onion in a little olive oil until agilely coloured, cesspool on kitchen paper, afresh add to the basin of eggs and potatoes.

Heat a burst of olive oil in a 25cm (10in) non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat. Cascade in the egg admixture and baker for 5 minutes, or until the basal is set. About-face the tortilla aback it is about set, and abiding enough. 

First, agilely oil a round plate that’s beyond than the frying pan you’re application to baker the tortilla. Abode the bashed basin over the pan and apace about-face the pan over so the bloody tortilla flips assimilate the plate. 

Then accelerate the tortilla back into the pan so you can baker the added side. Use a spatula to constrict in the edges, afresh fry for a few account added to set. Meanwhile, preheat the barbecue to high. 

If you’re authoritative the absurd egg topping, baker the antiseptic adulate in a ample frying pan over a low heat, able in the actual 10 eggs and baker gently. The egg whites will accompany into one. If you can apprehend the eggs cooking, the calefaction is too high. 

Flash the pan beneath the barbecue for 30- 60 seconds, to ensure the eggs are set. Accelerate on top of the tortilla and adornment with slices of atramentous truffle, if using.

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DIY - How to Make a Teddy Bear Pop-Up Card Paper Crafts-Handmade Craft-  Mother’s Day card! Pertaining To Teddy Bear Pop Up Card Template Free

Unlike playing cards, card templates don’t support board connections, time reporting, card dependencies, or activity connections. Business playing cards are important for any company, whether you’re a freelancer, work at a big advertising agency, or one other kind of organization. Premium enterprise cards are an effective way to ascertain a connection with new contacts and showcase your model when distributed.

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See high-quality assets selected by our group day by day. Another approach to forestall getting this web page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You might must obtain model 2.zero now from the Chrome Web Store.

You can also select Christmas greeting cards that print two to a web page to make fast work of your Christmas card listing. Creating a custom enterprise card template offers you the benefit of with the flexibility to add your personal graphics, logo and firm info to your calling card. You can move the inventive process along and save time by basing your new enterprise card template on an present Word template. Another option is to create a template through the use of the Labels characteristic in Word.

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Professional stationery templates or brochure designs complement new enterprise playing cards. It’s a good suggestion to plan your print design material as a cohesive well-branded set. Gym Fitness and Health Business CardBeside type, you also need to look at graphics software program. There are card features here that can be custom-made and edited in Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.

For greatest results, please use our downloadable templates below. All the available templates have already got the right dimensions, together with bleed. For more info on bleed, colour, file formats, file size, fonts, and resolution, please check with our Preparing Files page. A simple vertical business card design that makes use of both sides of the cardboard. The back facet is used to show a logo and QR-code whereas the entrance side contains the entire ordinary info (name, contact data…).

This makes it much easier to edit than a solid, flat picture. We can select a specific layer—where content material has been independently isolated—to make modifications to it. At GraphicRiver we’re a judgement-free zone, and we welcome design lovers from all expertise levels! Our authors often embrace useful documentation in case you need a little instruction on the means to take benefit of out of your template.

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See and really feel the standard of our hottest merchandise, shares, and finishes. Answers to generally requested questions about ordering design providers. The alignment guides seem when the brand new copy is aligned precisely horizontally and vertically with the text on the opposite playing cards. Drag the pasted copy to the card whose contents you deleted until the alignment guides seem. You can use the keyboard shortcuts Command-C for copy and Command-V for paste.

Teddy Bear Pop Up Card Template Free

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Images themselves can be uploaded to Flourish by right-clicking on a cell. It’s a good idea to make use of two to 3 colors, and one of them ought to be a primary shade like white/black/navy. A little bit of silver or gold can look very tasteful and add that unique really feel. That’s why we’ve created a sublime gold sample to assist your small business card stand out. Put in your data in Google Docs using this clear define on the entrance and include your brand when you like. One of the first things a pair should do before settling into married life is to thank the folks that made their wedding ceremony day particular.

Our identical day postcards are produced on the thickest and most premium output. The ‘Browser Appearance’ choice permits you to set completely different templates for show in the Question and Answer columns of the browser; see browser look for extra data. Click the cardboard you need to base a card template on to open its element pane.

At Picsart, we’ve designed design card templates that can help you rejoice any event in your life with class and ease. From easy to daring, there’s a gorgeous card template that can help you specific yourself in fashion. Choose the card template that matches your occasion, then personalize it as a lot or as little as you would like. Use our fast and straightforward modifying tools to add textual content with lovely fonts, fun stickers, trending effects, daring colors, and more for a one-of-a-kind end.

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