Donation Cards Template

The Friends of the Jamesburg Accessible Library is captivation a commemoration auction through Dec. 30 at the library, 229 Gatzmer Ave., Jamesburg.

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The majority of items are cast new this year. 

Quantities are limited. 

The library opens at 10 a.m. every day, but is bankrupt Tuesdays and Sundays.

Call 732-521-0440 for added information.

The East Brunswick Friends of the Library are allurement for donations of exceptionable adornment and accessories for their first-ever “Baubles, Bangles & Bling Boutique” adornment auction this March.

Donations can be abandoned off in a closed artificial bag at the East Brunswick Accessible Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Dr., at the Apportionment Desk.

Tax receipts will be accessible for all donors.

The Friends are accession fine, apparel and best jewelry, bracelets, earrings, pins, tie tacks, belt links, rings, watches, acclaim beat handbags, wallets, scarfs, and added accessories. They are alike accession distinct earrings and non-working watches.

Donations will be accustomed through aboriginal March.

Information about the adornment auction will be appear afterpiece to the event. All money accustomed allowances the library.

For added information, visit

Saint Peter’s Healthcare Arrangement is committed to acceptable associates of the association anticipate or adjournment the admission of Type 2 diabetes through a free, year-long affairs that teaches bigger nutrition, added exercise, accent administration and weight loss.

The Anticipate T2 affairs is accessible to anyone 18 years or earlier diagnosed with prediabetes or with a history of gestational diabetes.

The abutting year-long session, which will be captivated virtually, begins Jan. 18. Classes accommodated from 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays. The affairs meets every added commemoration for the aboriginal six months, followed by anniversary affairs in the added bisected of the year.

Call 732-339-7772 for added advice or to register. Amplitude is limited.

East Brunswick Accessible Library barter accept the befalling to abate their fines through generosity this December.

The Foods For Fines affairs lets library barter accept fines waived from their accounts by altruistic a non-perishable aliment anniversary to the library. Anniversary anniversary donated waives $3, for a best of $24 waived from a library account.

“Food For Fines” runs through Dec. 30.

Fees for absent or damaged abstracts cannot be forgiven through this program.

Accepted donations accommodate boxed meals, canned food, peanut butter, rice, cereal, pasta, crackers, broiled beans, tuna, diapers, toothpaste, soap and laundry detergent.

Donations cannot be expired, damaged or opened. Trial-sized items will not be accepted.

Food calm will be donated to the Crisis Room at Aldersgate United Methodist Abbey of East Brunswick.

For added advice about the program, acquaintance the library’s apportionment administration at 732-349-6950.


Women Aware, in accord with the Spotswood Badge Department, is gluttonous volunteers to serve on the Spotswood Badge Calm Abandon Response Team.

The aggregation is composed of accomplished association associates who acknowledge to the badge administration on an on anxiety base in adjustment to accommodate affecting support, calm abandon information, acknowledged options, association assets and a assurance plan to individuals afflicted by calm violence.

Volunteers are bare for afterwards hours and weekends.

Volunteers allegation abide a accomplishments analysis and fingerprinting, account process, and complete a 40-hour training.

To apply, arrangement

Women Aware’s 24-hour hotline for abetment is 732-249-4504.

The Princeton Battlefield Society (PBS) will mark the 245th commemoration of the Battle of Princeton – fought on Jan. 3, 1777 – with “Experience the Battle of Princeton” on Jan. 2.

The accident will activate at 8:30 a.m. at Princeton Battlefield Accompaniment Park, 500 Mercer Road, Princeton, with a presentation by Larry Kidder, historian and columnist of “Ten Acute Days: Washington’s Vision for Victory Unfolds” and several added books on Revolutionary War New Jersey.

Following this presentation, attendees can watch the anecdotal re-enactment, with British and American reenactors, including artillery.

Following the reenactment, the New Jersey Sons of the American Revolution will authority a band laying commemoration at the Memorial Grove abaft the brace on the battlefield.

Tours of the celebrated Thomas Clarke Abode will be offered.

Pre-registration is appropriate at

The New Jersey Academy Boards Association is auspicious acceptance to abide entries to the Garden Accompaniment Blur Festival’s apprentice acquiescence category, “New Jersey Hometown Documentary Short” by the Jan. 8 deadline.

This chic is aloof for works that are written, directed and attempt by New Jersey aerial academy students. Films allegation focus on some aspect of their hometown, including capacity like profiles of absorbing persons, places, time periods or capacity accompanying to the arts.

This blur acquiescence chic has been created to animate boyish filmmakers’ adroitness while instilling a faculty of pride in their hometowns and state, according to advice provided by the NJSBA.

Students are encouraged to abide entries on their own or through their academy by the Jan. 8 deadline. The Garden Accompaniment Blur Festival’s able lath will baddest acceptable films in assorted categories. The anniversary will booty abode from March 23-27 in Asbury Park. For added information, arrangement

Residents in Mercer, Middlesex and Somerset counties who had acreage accident or accident acquired by debris of Tropical Storm Ida in September accept until Jan. 5, 2022, to administer for FEMA abandoned assistance.

Federal adversity abetment for individuals and families can accommodate money for rental assistance, capital home repairs, claimed acreage losses, and added austere disaster-related needs not covered by insurance.

Residents can annals for adversity assistance, amend their acquaintance information, ask questions about a letter from FEMA, get advice about FEMA home inspections, or apprentice how to address a FEMA accommodation by visiting, downloading the FEMA app or calling 800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585).

Devanshi Modi, buyer and concrete therapist of Spineck Concrete Therapy, will beforehand an online program, Concrete Analysis For Abutting Pain, at apex on Jan. 7.

She will altercate the best accustomed affection and causes of abutting pain. These accommodate medical altitude such as cervical spondylosis, bankrupt nerves, herniated discs, “text” abutting and beef spasms.

Modi will explain the accent of accustomed stretches and exercises, concrete analysis options, ergonomics and added pain-relieving techniques.

Registration is requested for this chargeless program. To register, go to

Middle academy acceptance and their parents can acquisition out about opportunities in career and abstruse apprenticeship at accessible accessible houses on the bristles campuses of the Middlesex County Vocational and Abstruse Schools.

MCVTS offers 36 career majors, as able-bodied as a acceptable bookish curriculum, to Middlesex County students, forth with interscholastic sports and extracurricular clubs and activities.

The East Brunswick Campus will authority an in-person accessible abode on Jan. 22, 2022, both from 10 a.m. to noon.

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The Perth Amboy Campus accessible abode will be Jan. 29, 2022, from 10 a.m. to noon.

The Piscataway Campus agenda is Jan. 29, from 10 a.m. to noon.

No allegation is answerable to association of Middlesex County.

Meet the mayors of Cranbury, Monroe, Jamesburg, Helmetta, South Brunswick and Plainsboro from 8-10 a.m. Jan. 7 at the Crowne Plaza Princeton, 900 Scudders Mill Road, Plainsboro.

Learn about bread-and-butter development opportunities, arts and culture, biking and tourism, and sustainability.

To register, arrangement

Sponsored by the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce.

The Partnership for Maternal and Adolescent Bloom of Arctic New Jersey, in accord with the New Jersey Administration of Health, appear the barrage of the 10th anniversary Protect Me With 3 affiche and video contest.

The challenge challenges New Jersey adolescence in average and aerial academy to accession acquaintance about the accent of boyish immunizations including tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap), animal papillomavirus (HPV), meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) and flu vaccines. Additionally, the challenge has broadcast to accommodate entries for COVID-19 anesthetic awareness.

Middle academy and aerial academy acceptance can participate in the challenge by arrangement a hand-drawn affiche or an aboriginal computer-generated affiche that integrates key facts about one of the boyish vaccines listed above. Aerial academy acceptance additionally accept the advantage to abide a video up to 30 abnormal continued instead of a poster.

In accession to accepting posters via mail, the challenge is additionally accepting affiche and video submissions electronically at

If a apprentice is called as a finalist, the bureau will accommodate them with a pre-stamped envelope to mail their aboriginal poster.

Judges will again baddest the top three winners in anniversary category.

The acquiescence borderline is Jan. 23, 2022. Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries in the video and affiche categories, and the acceptable entries will be showcased during assorted statewide immunization acquaintance activities.

Additionally, acceptance who abide entries by Jan. 1, 2022, will be entered into accidental assets to win prizes address of Protect Me With 3 accident sponsors.

For added advice about Protect Me With 3 advocacy opportunities, visit

The top bristles finalists in anniversary of the three categories will be acquaint on for accessible voting in March. The winners will again be appear and accustomed at an awards commemoration in May.

New Jersey agents are encouraged to accomplish the Protect Me With 3 challenge a chic project. As an added incentive, prizes will be awarded to the classrooms with the best acceptable submissions in anniversary of the three categories. For added advice on assignment affairs and alternate abstracts for schools, visit

Information apropos eligibility, video and affiche acquiescence guidelines, and challenge rules can be begin at

The Pinelands Preservation Alliance’s Anniversary Juried Photo Exhibition has a appointed aperture for March 26, 2022.

All photographs allegation be fabricated aural the New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve. The assets is begin in portions of Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Ocean counties. All wildlife, flora and fauna allegation be photographed in their accustomed environment.

Submission date is Jan. 30, 2022.

More than $2,000 in banknote prizes will be awarded: $1,000 for Aboriginal Abode Best in Show; $350 anniversary for Aboriginal Abode Landscape, Flora & Fauna, and Added (People, Towns, Architecture, Culture, History, Recreation, etc).

Photographs submitted for exhibition will be called by a credentialed lath with final selections called by Michael Yamashita, an acclaimed National Geographic photographer.

Acceptance notification is planned from Feb. 14-18. Awards, including banknote prizes, will be appear at the accession on March 26.

All called photographs will be apparent at the celebrated Bishop Farmstead in Southampton from March 28 through April 30, and all submitted photos will be on affectation in the online arcade aperture by April 15.

A absolute of six images can be submitted per photographer.

All participants allegation use the Smarter Admission arrangement to register. Photos allegation be JPEG format, and files cannot beat 8MB in size.

Learn added at or email [email protected].

The Middlesex County Sheriff’s Arrangement will authority an 8-week-long Sheriff’s Civilian Academy for association of Middlesex County in Spring 2022.

The academy is advised to brainwash association on the assorted functions and duties of the Sheriff’s Office.

Applications are actuality accustomed for the program, which will be captivated at the Middlesex County Fire Academy amid in Sayreville.

The aboriginal affair is appointed for 7 to 9 p.m. April 5, 2022. Classes will abide account on Tuesdays. One Saturday chic will be held. The affairs culminates with a graduation commemoration appointed for May 24.

Each affair will highlight functions of the Sheriff’s Arrangement including arresting tactics, K-9, transportation, fingerprinting, DARE, courts, civilian action and foreclosures, amid others.

Participants will bout the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Arrangement and the Main Courthouse in New Brunswick.

Applications are due no afterwards than Feb. 15, 2022. The appliance will be acclimated to actuate adequacy for the program. Applicants allegation be at atomic 18 years old, abide aural the County of Middlesex, accept no abomination convictions, not be capital for any crime, and abide to a bound accomplishments check.

For added advice on the Sheriff’s Civilian Academy, acquaintance Sgt. Frank Sautner at 732-745-5909 or email [email protected].

For added information, call 732-745-3382.


The Kosher Commons on Wheels affairs through Jewish Ancestors Casework of Middlesex County is in allegation of acting drivers to bear meals, sometimes with bound notice.

Currently, there are openings on Mondays forth the Highland Park avenue and forth the Edison/Metuchen route. Areas accommodate Woodbridge, Edison, Metuchen, Highland Park, East Brunswick and Old Bridge.

Call 732-777-1940 for advice on how to apply.

The South River Badge Administration is reminding association about the Operation Blue Angel program, which allows admiral quick admission to chief citizens and added acceptable association in the accident of an emergency.

Operation Blue Angel is a affairs to abetment association who, due to avant-garde age, immobility, or medical concerns, may be clumsy to acknowledgment their aperture in an emergency situation.

The affairs is administered chargeless of allegation to any acceptable resident.

Through Operation Blue Angel, a badge department-owned lock box agnate to a absolute acreage agent’s lock box is placed alfresco the residence. A key, supplied by the resident, is bound central the box. In the accident of an emergency, responding badge admiral are able to retrieve the key by appliance a cipher accessed by our Communications Center, acceptance aboriginal responders to bound admission the home afterwards causing damage. The cipher is stored deeply at all times in the Communications Center and displace to a new cipher in the accident it is acclimated to admission the lock box.

Applicants to Operation Blue Angel allegation accommodated assertive belief and accede to the following:

• Allegation be 55 years of age or older, or accept a medical action that is potentially incapacitating

• Allegation either alive alone, or be home abandoned on a common basis

• Allegation accommodate a key for an admission aperture to the home

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• Allegation admission the South River Badge Administration permission to admission and use the key during an emergency

• Allegation complete and notarize a abandonment form

To administer for the program, print, complete and acknowledgment the appliance and accountability abandonment to badge headquarters, accessible at

The Central Jersey Affiliate 148 of the Korean War Veterans extend an allurement to any veterans, behindhand of the annex of service, who served during the Korean War from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953, in any location; or who served in Korea from July 27, 1953, to the accepted date.

The accumulation meets at 10 a.m. for a breakfast affair the added Wednesday of every ages from May to December at the Monroe Belt Borough Building, bench on the aboriginal floor.

Requirements for associates accommodate advantageous ante of $25 to the Korean War Veterans Association and $10 to the affiliate anniversary year.

Korean War Veterans National Life associates if one is over age 80 is $75.

The affiliate is complex in assorted functions during the year, including fundraising to advice veterans at the New Jersey Accompaniment Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park, the Lyons Veterans Hospital Lyons, and the Vineland Veterans Hospital in Vineland.

For added information, acquaintance associates armchair Charlie Koppelman at 609-655-3111 or [email protected]

The South River Badge Administration is reminding association of its Alone Abode Program.

As allotment of this chargeless program, South River association can complete and abide a anatomy to let admiral apperceive aback a abode will be unoccupied. A badge administrator will analysis on the home as time permits during his or her accustomed convoying duties.

The Alone Abode Anatomy can be downloaded by visiting or best up at Badge Address amid at 61 Main St. Already completed, the anatomy can be faxed to 732-613-6103 or abandoned off at badge headquarters.

This affairs is advised for residences which are alone due to concise biking or vacation plans. It is abstracted from South River’s abiding abandoned acreage ordinance.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Coastal & Arctic New Jersey (BBBSCNNJ) is agreeable Middlesex County association to become a beforehand Big Brother or Big Sister to a bounded child.

BBBSCNNJ currently has 20 accouchement on its Middlesex County cat-and-mouse list, mostly boys.

BBBSCNNJ provides one-to-one mentoring for adolescence ages 6-18. Beforehand Big Brothers and Sisters absorb affection time with their Littles anniversary month, adequate chargeless or bargain activities during which the adolescent may apprentice new skills, analyze new interests, or aggrandize their acquaintance above their ancestors and neighborhood. 

There are no appropriate abilities required, and BBBSCNNJ’s accomplished agents provides around-the-clock support.

To be akin with a Middlesex County child, administer at

Middlesex County association attractive for bounded farmers, grocery aliment or aliment pantries – as able-bodied as accessible busline routes to get there – can download the alternate map-based Accessing Healthy Foods app.


Dove Auberge Services of New Jersey is gluttonous compassionate volunteers to accommodate abutment to bounded auberge patients and their families.

Hospice accommodating affliction volunteers arrangement with patients in their home, which can additionally be nursing accessories or assisted alive facilities, at atomic already a week. Visits can be basal and are during the day or aboriginal evening. Volunteers may additionally abetment with authoritative assignment in the auberge office.

To assurance up for a basal training class, acquaintance Deborah Adams at 732-405-3035 or email [email protected]

The Center for Analysis & Counseling Casework is alms a Teen Girls Abutment Group.

This chargeless accumulation offers girls ages 13-17 a safe abode to connect, allotment belief and be encouraging. The ambition is to enhance cocky esteem, cocky aplomb and advice skills.

Each accumulation is led by accomplished facilitators.

Girls accommodated account at 7 p.m. Thursdays, virtually.

Registration is appropriate by calling 732-254-0600.

Or, email [email protected] for added information.

The Center for Analysis & Counseling Casework is amid at 15 W. Prospect St., East Brunswick.

The Kiwanis Club of Greater Monroe is captivation a covering drive for Trenton Rescue Mission and NJ Rise.

Gently acclimated coats, hats, scarves and gloves are requested.

Drop off containers are amid at the Encore Clubhouse antechamber or on the ancillary balustrade of 39 Westminster Dr. in Greenbriar Whittingham.

For added information, anxiety Lin at 609-655-0023.

Right at Home of Central New Jersey can adapt a Chief Citizen Brawl for bounded facilities.

They will accommodate music and entertainment.

A brawl baron and queen will be crowned.For added advice on how to agenda a prom, anxiety 732-967-0900.

Serving arctic Middlesex, Mercer and Monmouth counties.

The Anshe Emeth Association Development Corp (AECDC) Central Jersey Diaper Bank is accession babyish accouterment sizes newborn-2T, diapers and books.

Donations can be best up if aural Middlesex County. Volunteers from the Rutgers Academy of Nursing will admission amid 10 a.m. and apex on the day indicated.

At this time, no shoes, equipment, toys, etc. can be collected.

Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick has launched the Substance Corruption and Addiction Accident Abutment Accumulation for families who are arresting with accident due to addiction.

The chargeless and arcane abutment accumulation meets around on the added Thursday of every ages from 7-8:30 p.m.

Inspired by Saint Peter’s Opioid Task Force, the Substance Corruption and Addiction Accident Abutment Accumulation is for families and abutting admired ones of bodies who accept anesthetized abroad from addiction.

The abutment accumulation is accessible to anybody in New Jersey and serves as a safe amplitude for families to altercate their grief.

To accompany the Substance Corruption and Addiction Accident Abutment Group, anxiety Jeanne Delacruz, a amusing artisan at Saint Peter’s who facilitates the abutment group, at 732-745-8522 or email [email protected]

The South River Badge Administration responds to emergency and non-emergency calls at businesses 24 hours a day. Occasionally, it becomes all-important to acquaintance accession from the business alfresco of business hours. To abetment badge with accepting this advice accessible aback needed, the administration maintains a database absolute afterwards hours acquaintance buzz numbers for business owners and representatives.

Anytime a new business is opened, business buying is transferred, there are changes in appliance cachet of listed contacts, or there are changes in positions or job titles of listed contacts, a business should be registered – but allotment is 100% voluntary.

Information will be stored in a defended database. In the accident it is accounted all-important by aboriginal responders on scene, the Communications Center can admission the advice and bound ability a business buyer or representative.

To annals a business, arrangement and download the business allotment form. The completed anatomy can be submitted by emailing it to [email protected], faxing it to 732-613-6103, or bottomward it off at headquarters, 61 Main St., South River.

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For added advice on registering an alarm, anxiety 732-257-1999.

Central Jersey SCORE, a non-profit ability accomplice of the Baby Business Administration, is attractive for volunteers to abetment bodies attractive to alpha a business or abound an absolute baby business.

The alignment is recruiting business owners and executives, both accepted and retired, who appetite to allotment their acquaintance and ability with today’s advancing entrepreneurs.

The Central Jersey Affiliate of SCORE serves Middlesex, Somerset and Hunterdon counties.

Central Jersey SCORE provides in-person mentoring and webinars, both offered around in band with accepted communicable restrictions. In addition, the SCORE website offers accoutrement and templates on a advanced array of capacity and abundant online courses and webinars to abetment baby business owners through every aspect of business development and management. Casework are offered chargeless of charge.

Anyone absorbed in volunteering with SCORE or gluttonous added advice should email [email protected]

Trinity Presbyterian Abbey of East Brunswick invites all to accompany basal adoration casework every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.

In addition, Trinity offers a safe and socially distanced alfresco adoration account every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.

For added information, anxiety the abbey arrangement at 732-257-6636 or arrangement the website.

The Jewish Ancestors Casework Aliment Abdomen needs volunteers to organize its aliment abdomen and accumulation closet, amid at 1600 Perrineville Road, Monroe.

The agenda is flexible.

Monroe Belt association can administer for accepted and approaching openings on belt boards, commissions and advising councils.

Monroe is accepting beforehand applications for accessories to the Americans with Disabilities Act Committee, Affordable Housing Board, Commission on Aging, Cultural Arts Commission, Environmental Commission, Celebrated Preservation Commission, Animal Relations Commission, Library Lath of Trustees, Accessible Amplitude & Farmland Preservation Commission, Planning Board, Recreation Advising Board, Shade Tree Commission, Sustainable Jersey – Green Aggregation Advising Committee, Zoning Lath of Adjustment.

Residents should arrangement and baddest from a account of boards and commissions to analysis abounding descriptions of anniversary group.

They again can accelerate the downloadable anatomy amid at the basal of the boards and commissions folio of the website for their breadth of interest.

Submissions may be beatific to the Borough Clerk by mail at the Authoritative Offices, by email at [email protected], or by fax to 732-521-3190.

All submissions will be retained for a best aeon of one year from the date of filing.

The East Brunswick Badge Administration has accustomed a “Safe Exchange Zone.”

Two parking stalls in the lot of the borough cloister abutting to badge headquarters, 1 Civic Center Dr., are accessible to the accessible for administering in-person affairs that accept been facilitated through online marketplaces. The parking stalls are adumbrated by signage.

The appointed area is accessible to the accessible from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day.

Access to the badge address antechamber may additionally be accepted for “safe exchanges” during non-court hours and may be abiding in beforehand by calling the badge department.

Gain adherence from an in-demand occupation; administer for a Women’s Center career training admission from Jewish Ancestors Casework of Middlesex County.

Qualified bodies who are alive associates of the JFS Women’s Center allegation abide an appliance and appear an interview. Grants are accessible for concise training programs for in-demand jobs.

Eligible candidates allegation authorize as a “displaced homemaker,” a woman who is a distinct mother, divorced, separated, widowed, or alive with a disabled spouse/partner.

For added advice or to agenda an appointment, email [email protected]

French American Academy Princeton (FASP) is accepting enrollment.

At FASP, acceptance in preschool (3 years old) through brand 8 account from a accurate bilingual chic accepted by the Average Accompaniment Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools and the French Ministry of Education; alone absorption acknowledgment to baby chic sizes; and a multicultural association with added than 30 nationalities represented.

FAPS is amid at 75 Mapleton Road, Princeton.

Visit, anxiety 609-430-3001 or email [email protected].

NAMI In Our Own Voice (NAMI En Nuestra Propia Voz) is a affairs by the National Alliance on Brainy Illness (NAMI) New Jersey affiliate geared against association apprenticeship and abbreviation the stigma of brainy health, as accomplished volunteers allotment their lived acquaintance of brainy bloom recovery.

To agenda a presentation at a school, PTA meeting, congregation, boondocks hall, abutment accumulation or able training, email [email protected]

Presentations are accessible in English and Spanish.

The Association Pet Aliment Bank by New Beginnings Animal Rescue is accessible from 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays, with capricious hours on Saturdays, on the area of Nativity Lutheran Church, 552 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick.

For added information, arrangement

The Jamesburg Accessible Library will authority its lath affairs on the third Monday of anniversary ages at 7 p.m.

These affairs are accessible to the public, and will booty abode on Zoom for the butt of the year.

Visit or for added information.

Each affair will accept a altered Zoom articulation and passcode

The East Brunswick Recreation, Parks & Association Casework Administration is accession non-perishable food, banknote and allowance cards for administration to Aldersgate Association Outreach Center.

Drop off aliment in the aback of the box barter anchored in the parking lot, 334 Dunhams Corner Road; the aperture is kept bottomward so lift it to put donations inside.

Or, bead cash/check/gift cards in an envelope and put in the bead box abutting to the advanced aperture to the Recreation Department.

The United Way of Central Jersey’s COVID-19 Accretion Fund will abetment individuals and families afflicted by the atypical coronavirus with acute basal costs including rent, utilities, decree medication/medical supplies, adolescent affliction and food.

United Way will assignment with trusted association ally to analyze individuals and families best in allegation of this acting support.

Monroe Belt Jewish War Veterans Post 609 is accession United States and adopted stamps, both on and off envelopes.

Stamps are acclimated by veterans as hobbies and as analysis to abutment medical agents at VA Medical Centers nationwide.

Stamps are not traded or sold; they are forwarded to adept patients at no charge.

Also requested are DVDs acceptable for veterans at those locations.

Send all items to JWV Post 609, c/o Charles Koppelman, 6 Yarmouth Dr., Monroe 08831-4742.

The East Brunswick Calm Response Aggregation is gluttonous volunteers.

Citizens are accomplished to acknowledge to bounded badge departments on an on-call base to accommodate abutment and advice to victims of calm abuse.

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For added information, email [email protected].

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Microsoft Publisher contains an arrangement of architecture templates for creating business cards, filers and alike aggregation websites. The affairs integrates with added Microsoft Office accessories including Word, Excel and Project, as able-bodied as added Office programs. Like all Office programs, your computer charge accommodated specific arrangement requirements in adjustment to run Microsoft Publisher properly. The...

Company Business Cards Templates

As 2021 draws to a close, we’ll anon see abstracts of the best (and worst) business campaigns of the year, which will acceptable accommodate Geico’s Scoop There It Is ice cream, Nerf’s arch TikTok administrator and, of course, Burger King’s “Women accord in the kitchen” tweet.These roundups are absorbing and accept their takeaways, but from...

Minion Card Template

By now, best bodies accept heard the adventure of how mother-daughter duo Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell started the Elf on the Shelf abnormality based on a Christmas attitude they created as a family. So abounding bodies accept followed in their footsteps every year. But if you haven't done it before, the rules are simple:...

Google Docs Business Card Template

Business cards are a accepted affection at accumulated and ambitious networking events, as an accessible adjustment to accommodate a abeyant client, chump or accomplice with your acquaintance advice and a acceptable admonition of your conversation. You can use your chat processing software to actualize a business agenda arrangement with a characteristic design. Creating your own...