This admonition covers align for appliance Bookish Honorary/Visiting and Associate cachet area individuals will be alive with or for UoB for a cogent aeon (e.g. a few weeks or more). It should not be acclimated for abbreviate appellation guests or visitors. There are abstracted align in abode for IT company admission or UCard company admission only.
Flowchart for Honorary/Visiting Bookish or Associate Cachet (PDF, 217kB) showing how to actuate the actual avenue back because Honorary/Visiting/Associate cachet for an individual.
1. Introduction2. Applicable Policies, Procedures, Forms and the Honorary/Visiting Academic Contract Template – see above3. The Role of the Sponsor4. The Role of the Honorary & Associate Co-ordinator5. Honorary/Visiting Bookish Cachet – Action for Requesting/Extending6. Process for Requesting and Extending Associate Status7. Students8. Budget Holder or Band Administrator Status9. Bench Fees10. Honorary Analytic Staff11. Buildings and IT Access12. Essential Training13. Intellectual Property14. Insurance15. Visas16. Visibility on Explore Bristol Analysis Portal
Appendix 1: Honorary and Visiting Bookish Titles
Appendix 2: Personalised Role Titles
This admonition is aimed at Sponsors (see Area 3, below) and Honorary & Associate Co-ordinators (see Area 4, below) and should be apprehend in affiliation with the University’s Behavior on Honorary Visiting Bookish Status and Associate Staff.
Honorary and Visiting (H/V) Bookish Status can be conferred on individuals who are not our advisers but who are associated with the University in an bookish capacity. They may be accidental to the teaching and acquirements of the University and/or may be appliance the University’s accessories to undertake analysis or added bookish work. Although not anon employed, H/V Academics allegation to be active of the University’s reputation, allegation not do annihilation to put this at blow and allegation accommodate to University policies. IT/Ucard admission may additionally be requested for H/V Academics area it is brash appropriate, but is not automatically given,
Honorary Bookish engagements are about advancing arrangements. The end date is about a analysis date and will about booty abode three years from the alpha date. For Visiting Academics, an end date will be defined at the outset, although this may be extended. In both cases, any IT/Ucard admission that has been accepted as allotment of the adjustment will expire automatically unless an addendum is requested (see Area 6 below).
Associate Status can be conferred on individuals who crave unsupervised admission to University buildings, libraries and/or IT systems for a cogent aeon of time, to backpack out assignment for or with the University (who are not our advisers and who are not acting in an H/V Bookish capacity). They ability be consultants, assembly from organisations accommodating with UoB, or accouterment casework to UoB, self-employed individuals or accidental agents who allegation IT admission for a aeon of time. Associate Cachet is accepted for a best of 12 months at a time but can be extended. IT/Ucard admission will expire automatically on the end date, unless an addendum is requested (see Area 6 below).
For an alone to be accepted Associate cachet there allegation be an adapted acceding in abode accoutrement the assignment to be undertaken by the Associate. This could be an acceding amid the alone and the University (e.g. consultancy adjustment for services, assignment acquaintance adjustment letter, etc) or an acceding amid the individual’s employer and the University (e.g. supplier contract, analysis agreement, accord agreement, affiliation agreement, bureau contract, etc.). It is important that the Sponsor confirms that such an acceding is in abode and that it covers accordant affairs such as bookish property, acquaintance etc. If added admonition is adapted on this subject, amuse acquaintance the adapted actuality as abundant in the document Contracts Guidance: Who to go to
Given that an adapted acceding already exists for Associates, there is no allegation for a abstracted adjustment as there is for H/V Academics.
Short Appellation Guests or Visitors do not allegation H/V or Associate status. There are abstracted align in abode for IT company admission or UCard company admission only.
Hourly-paid teachers do not allegation H/V Bookish or Associate status. They automatically accept IT admission and a Ucard. For added admonition see the HPT admonition pages.
TSS (Temporary Staffing Service) and CAG (Casual, Bookish and Guest) workers have their IT admission and Ucard abiding through the TSS and do not allegation to ample out an Associate or H/V Bookish form.
Individuals (personally or via their employer) renting University amplitude beneath a aggregate casework adjustment (i.e. not adventure assignment anon for or with the University) should not be accustomed H/V or Associate status. Abstracted align are actuality developed to accommodate building/IT admission in this scenario. Queries should be addressed to the Administrator of the amplitude concerned.
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These are all listed at the top of this document.
Every H/V Bookish or Associate allegation accept a Sponsor. This will be the University of Bristol agents affiliate who accomplished the appeal to admission H/V Bookish or Associate status. The Sponsor will assignment anxiously with their local Honorary & Associate Co-ordinator (see Area 4) to align H/V Bookish or Associate status.
Heads of School (for H/V Academics) and School/Section Managers (for Associates) are ultimately amenable for the appointment, but circadian blank is the assignment of the Sponsor. The Head of School (for H/V Academics) or School/Section Administrator (for Associates) allegation ensure that the Sponsor is acquainted of their responsibilities.
Sponsors are amenable for:
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Honorary & Associate Co-ordinators (also referred to in this affidavit as Co-ordinators) are based locally aural Faculties/Schools/Divisions and are amenable for acknowledging the Sponsor and facilitating align for H/V Academics and Associates. They ensure that:
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Three months afore the three-year ceremony of the Honorary Bookish arrangement (or in the case of Visiting Academics, one ages afore the end date), an email active will be beatific to the Co-ordinator (and additionally to the Sponsor area the Sponsor capacity accept been recorded in MyERP) bidding them to analysis whether the H/V Bookish cachet should continue. The Co-ordinator should analysis with the Sponsor whether extension/continuation is required. If continuation/extension is required:
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At the end of the Associate Cachet period:
Associate cachet is accepted for a best of 12 months at a time. IT/Ucard admission will expire automatically if no addendum is requested.
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Any University of Bristol acceptance who are given Associate Status will be set up with an Outlook annual which they can admission via the Office 365 Portal using their University username and password. Once this happens:
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If account holder cachet is required, the Co-ordinator should acquaintance the Faculty/Professional Casework Finance team. For band administrator status, the Sponsor should contact HR Employee Casework to discuss.
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Where an H/V Bookish arrangement after-effects from a appeal from an alone to use the University’s accessories it may be adapted to allegation that alone a ‘bench fee’. Faculties should actuate their own bounded action analogue back this would be adapted and account any charges.
If a bank fee needs to be paid by an H/V Academic, the Co-ordinator should acquaintance the Faculty/Professional Casework Finance team to align for the bookish to be invoiced.
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Where the H/V Bookish is an NHS analyst demography on teaching/research responsibilities in the Faculty of Bloom Sciences, the Sponsor/Co-ordinator should accomplish the appeal as normal. HR Employee Casework will affair an H/V Bookish Adjustment of Employment for NHS Clinicians. This is in accession to any accepted H/V cachet letter issued by the School.
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Building and IT admission will be accepted automatically for all Associates, but for H/V Academics, this is alone accepted area it has been accurately requested on the form.
Where awarded, admission is triggered by the conception of an H/V / Associate almanac on MyERP. For H/V Academics, it is capital that forms are alone forwarded to HR to set up the almanac afterwards the H/V Bookish adjustment has been active and returned. Architecture admission is accepted as per the University’s Building Admission Control Policy.
The Sponsor is amenable for ensuring that Associates and H/V Academics accept any bloom and assurance consecration accordant to the architecture or amplitude in which they will work.
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As allotment of the induction process, all H/V Academics and Associates are adapted to undertake capital training in the afterward areas:
The training modules can be accessed at
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When the Co-ordinator prepares the H/V Bookish adjustment they allegation accommodate the description of assignment to be agitated out by the roleholder. This needs to be accounting anxiously by the Sponsor and included in the H/V Cachet Appeal Form. It allegation be advanced abundant to accurately abduction all assignment that could be agitated out by the H/V Academic, so it is bright which assignment the IP article in the adjustment does, and does not, administer to.
Some examples are accustomed below:
For renewals, the Sponsor allegation analysis the antecedent description of assignment and accommodate an adapted adaptation in the H/V Cachet Appeal Form.
If the assignment actuality undertaken by the H/V Bookish is absolute by an IP article in a abstracted agreement, again the Sponsor allegation beat the adapted box on the H/V Bookish Appeal Anatomy (‘Option 3’) and accommodate a archetype of the active agreement. Back drafting the IP area of the Honorary/Visiting Bookish Adjustment arrangement (Office document, 46kB), the branch labelled ‘Option 3’ should be used.
In all added cases, back commutual the H/V Bookish anatomy the Sponsor allegation accede who will own any IP generated by the H/V Bookish while assuming their role at the University (note – this catechism allegation be answered by the Sponsor).
The proposed IP buying will allegation to be accustomed by the Head of School. The Honorary/Associate Co-ordinator should ensure that the admonition provided by the Sponsor in affiliation to the IP questions on the anatomy is acclimated to baddest the accordant paragraphs in the Honorary/Visiting Bookish Adjustment arrangement (Office document, 46kB).
The adjustment provides for two scenarios (in accession to the third mentioned above)*:
*The adjustment does not accommodate for aggregate buying of IP, as aggregate buying requires circuitous considerations and is about not recommended. If aggregate buying of IP is required, the Sponsor and the Co-ordinator will allegation to booty acknowledged admonition from the Secretary’s Office about the diction to go into the IP article of the contract. Neither does the adjustment accommodate for no IP actuality generated. This is because IP can be generated by alike accepted tasks (hand-outs, slides, archive etc).
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Individuals with H/V or Associate cachet are amenable for the aegis and assurance of any claimed backing they accompany assimilate University bounds and should align adapted allowance themselves. The University has alone actual bound accidental allowance awning for visitors’ property.
Both Employers Liability and Public Liability allowance behavior are captivated in the blow the University is captivated accurately accountable for death, abrasion or work-related affliction of Associates or H/V Academics.
The University does not accept claimed blow allowance for Associates or H/V Academics. Associates or H/V Academics are brash to accomplish their own arrangements.
If an H/V Bookish campaign away accurately on University of Bristol business, they can administer for biking insurance. Admonition can be begin on the Secretary’s Office biking allowance admonition page.
Where teaching, analysis or consultancy assignment is undertaken on annual of the University of Bristol for acceptance or alfresco clients, individuals with H/V Bookish Cachet adventure such assignment are indemnified beneath the University’s Able Negligence insurance. Agenda that acknowledged align and allotment for the assignment allegation be via the University. Private research, consultancy or teaching assignment or assignment undertaken on annual of added organisations is not insured beneath the University of Bristol arrangements.
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Individuals advancing from alfresco of the UK (unless they authority pre-settled or acclimatized status) for bookish and analysis purposes will about consistently crave access approval and in some cases will crave an ATAS certificate, see below.
VISA requirements and ATAS
If you’re a researcher advancing to the UK as a visitor, you may allegation to admission an ATAS certificate afore alpha any accordant analysis action in the UK. About you do not allegation to do so afore you administer for a UK acceptance (where relevant).
If you allegation an ATAS certificate as a visitor, you do not accept to admission this afore applying for a acceptance but you should admission it afore travelling to the UK. The HEI/research convention allegation analysis the ATAS certificate afore acceptance the analysis to start, and if this is not provided you will not be acceptable on-site.
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The Co-ordinator should admonish H/V Academics of the following:
The Explore Bristol Analysis Portal (EBRP) is a searchable and browsable appearance of analysis accompanying admonition cartoon anon from annal maintained in Pure (the University Analysis Admonition System).
By default, H/V Academics will not be accepted an EBRP profile. However, any H/V Bookish may appeal a analysis contour by contacting [email protected].
Further admonition and user admonition about Pure and EBRP is accessible at
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Care should be taken to ensure that Honorary and Visiting titles reflect an individual’s accession to the University’s teaching and research. The arbitrary beneath gives a ample overview of the accession accepted at anniversary level; however, it is recommended that sponsors accredit to the University’s Academic Role Profiles to ensure the adapted appellation is given.
All titles will be preceded with the chat ‘Honorary’ or ‘Visiting’ as appropriate.
Research/Teaching Associates will commonly be responsible, usually beneath abutting administration for:
Senior Analysis Associate/Lecturer will be:
Research Fellow
Fellows will:
Senior Analysis Fellow/Senior Lecturer
Senior Fellows/Lecturers will:
Associate Professor
As above, but with the apprehension that they will be assuming at the akin of Professor in the abreast future.
Honorary Professors will adore a aerial acceptability internationally, accomplish invaluable contributions based on an all-encompassing clue record; their arch acquaintance and ability comes from either industry; avant-garde research; teaching and/or a recognised accession to the conduct through able activities.
Industrial Fellow/Professor
Where an alone does not accept the bookish accreditation commonly associated with an H/V bookish title, yet are of such continuing that an H/V appellation is an adapted absorption of their civic and all-embracing achievements in business and/or society*.
*See Personalised Role Titles in Appendix 2, below.
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Personalised role titles may be requested to analyze the purpose of the role area this would contrarily be cryptic from the class appellation called in the appeal form.
For Academic Status, examples accommodate those area the appellation H/V ‘Industrial’ Professor/Fellow may be inappropriate. Examples of another titles are: “Honorary Professor (Child and Family Welfare)” or “Visiting Adolescent (Community Engagement)”.
For Associate Status an archetype ability be: “External Consultant” instead of “Third Party Organisation”.
The adapted class should still be called in the appeal anatomy in such cases but area a personalised appellation is agreed, this will be acclimated instead of the all-encompassing title.
Note: Personalised titles allegation be meaningful, relevant, and adapted to the role actuality undertaken and in particular, allegation not be acclimated to accolade bookish cachet area this has not been accustomed by the accordant policy. This is important to a) ensure acquiescence with University action administering such roles, and b) anticipate bribery by individuals and the associated acknowledged risks to UoB.
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